How Will You Remember This?

9/11 is a day that I will never forget. Though it was now 21 years ago, I remember everything about that day - where I was, who I was with and how I felt. There are but a few of those events over the course of ones life that impact you enough to where you have that type of recall. Years from now COVID-19 will likely be one of those events for each of us.

When it is all over with, what will we remember it for? Will it be with anger over the events that were cancelled and we had to miss out on? Will it be with frustration over the disruption to our normal lives? Or, maybe, will we look back at it very differently (assuming that we don’t get sick) and remember it as a time that we connected with our loved ones and God in a different way.

It’s easy to feel like life, as we know it, has been interrupted - like someone hit the pause button and they’ll “push play” again when all this passes. But, life hasn’t stopped. This is life - another chapter for each of us in our story. Every generation that has lived before us has their own stories just like we will. The common denominator in all of them is that God is in control all throughout.

This verse below keeps coming to my mind:

Psalm 118:24 This is the day which the Lord has made;Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

God had given us this day - this time. No pause button has been hit. Life today is different but can be even more full than under what we consider to be “normal” conditions. There is also a temptation to find ways to “pass the time” but there is also a great opportunity to “invest” our time. How can each of us make an investment that bears fruit during this time? Reading, connecting (even over the phone), quiet times - basically, most of the things that we usually struggle to make time to do. It’s now within our grasp

Over the past 10 days or so, we have been going through the book of James a few verses at a time after dinner each night and it has been really rich conversation. It reminds me of the JH Ranch days when we would study James in the AM. I am also reading a really good book right now called Finishing Strong. I want to challenge each of you to add at least one thing of spiritual value to your daily routine that you don’t normally do. You will be blessed by it and it might even become a long term habit/discipline. I would love to hear from you on this so please let me know.


Stay hungry and healthy,

Big E