Ambassadors for Christ - 2 of 2
“You are either a missionary or a mission field.”
Wow, those are very direct words. The first time that I heard them I had to stop and think about exactly what they meant to me. Now that I have heard them repeated a number of times over the years, I realize just how true this phrase is.
The word “missionary” is simply a biblical term rooted in the idea of “being sent.” We tend to associate the word with people who vocationally chose to serve God by working for a church or a missions agency. That is why we might struggle to think of ourselves as “missionaries.”
Matthew 28: 19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
This passage is known as “The Great Commission.” These are Jesus’ final words in the book of Matthew and they are repeated at the end of the book of Mark as well. Jesus was speaking to his disciples and “sending them out” before he ascended into heaven.
Were these words intended only for Jesus’ Disciples or were they meant for all Christians?
The truth is that all believers are called to missions - which is to proclaim the name of Jesus Christ to all the world. Though our specific “mission fields” are all different, the calling to be a missionary/disciple applies to each of us. Our words, actions, and lives should reflect our faith in Christ. This takes place at home, school, work, community, activities etc.. Our mission fields are wherever God has us at the moment.
This life is just one big, unending mission trip.
A wonderful example of this is how God has given Paul and Catherine a special mission field for this chapter in their lives with the early birth of Emma. This journey has given them the opportunity to be a witness to so many people with a unique platform and they have taken full advantage of it. I want to thank you both for setting such a great example for all of us.
Stay hungry,
Big E