The Search for Wisdom
God allowed Job to be tested by Satan to see if he would renounce his faith. He lost his family and fortune in the process but ultimately stayed faithful to God.
After suffering these calamities, the topic of wisdom arises with his friends. Each friend offers their own opinion on how to find wisdom. One claims that wisdom comes from “observing and experiencing life.” Another suggests that we should “look to the past and learn from others.” His third friend claimed that wisdom is “possessed by only a few, and we must rely on those that have it.” While none of these opinions are entirely wrong, they don’t fully address the issue of finding true wisdom.
Job offers his view in verses 12-22. He illustrates the age-old process of mining for treasure in the earth. He speaks of the extravagant lengths that man goes to find gold, diamonds, and sapphires below the earth’s surface - even risking life and limb. Job is making a comparison for what man is willing to expend and risk to find earthly treasures versus their search for wisdom.
Job 28:12 But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?13 Mankind does not know its value, nor is it found in the land of the living. 22 Abaddon and Death say, ‘With our ears we have heard a report of it.’
Man looks for wisdom in the wrong places. This passage tells us that wisdom “is not to be found in the land of the living.” It cannot be found in the oceans or in all the precious treasures of the earth like gold, sapphires, and onyx. “It is hidden from the eyes of every living creature and concealed from the birds of the sky.” These are powerful illustrations of how man is deceived into thinking that we can find true wisdom on this earth.
Our Enemy know it exists but doesn’t want us to have it. Satan enjoys watching us pursue earthly treasure as we try to make this world our heaven. He wants us to spend our time on trivial pursuits that have no eternal significance. We play right into his hands when we drift along with the currents of the world with little thought given to the wisdom that God offers to direct our lives. If the Enemy can’t have us, then he wants us to be ineffective for God’s kingdom.
This leads to some important questions. How does our appetite for earthly treasure compare to our appetite for wisdom? What are we willing to expend and risk to obtain each?
We will increasingly value whatever we make a habit to pursue. The spiritual disciplines of prayer, studying Scripture and worship help us cultivate a desire for God’s wisdom that surpasses our cravings for earthly treasure. It’s an earnest, diligent pursuit of the mind of Christ. We are promised that our hunger for wisdom will be rewarded:
Proverbs 2: 4-5 If you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God.
Stay hungry,
Big E
Matt. 5:6