Springing Forward
I love when we get to “spring forward” with Daylight Savings Time. New seasons seem to excite everyone. Spring means longer days and warmer weather. Summer - well, do I even have to say it…? ha. Fall is welcomed because we get cooler weather and football while Winter brings the joy of Christmas. Every season has things about it that we look forward to.
One of the things that I have learned over the years is that our personal devotional lives have seasons as well. Some of those seasons are incredibly fruitful like Spring. Others feel like Summer with a consistent growth of green grass. Some seasons feel like Fall when our intimacy with God is starting to drop off and sometimes it feels like Winter when it’s been awhile since we’ve had some real quality time with God.
The great news is that God never hangs up the phone. He is always there waiting for us reach out to Him. Ideally, it’s an unending conversation that we have with Him all throughout our lives. We we get it right, that is exactly what it feels like - a conversation that never ends. It just has some pauses here and there.
Daniel 2:21 He changes times and seasons;
he deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning.
God directs the changes in the seasons that we all enjoy. Sometimes I wish for an endless Summer but I don’t have any control over that. What we do have control over is how intentionally we pursue the God of the universe. That level of pursuit determines the seasons in our personal devotional lives.
I encourage each of you to find some “spring” in your quiet times this week and begin a new season of growth. Find an app the gives you a verse/passage of the day and spend a couple of minutes praying and meditating through it. Add this on a daily basis to your quiet times and you’ll be surprised by the fruit that it will bear.
Stay Hungry,
Big E