Reversing the Flow
I love this picture of us from our last trip to Chicago - a great family memory! We were standing over one of the canals of the Chicago River which is a unique and beautiful element of the city.
A piece of interesting history about the Chicago River is that they actually reversed the flow of the river in the around 1900. The river used to flow into Lake Michigan but that began causing problems when the river was carrying pollutants into the lake. This was a big problem because Lake Michigan is a deep and very clean lake and was the primary source of drinking water for Chicago. They came up with the idea to reverse the flow from the river going into the lake to the lake flowing into the river - quite a novel idea!
They began the dredging in 1892 and by 1900 the main channel of the ship canal opened, with the river permanently reversed and the waste problem solved. I certainly don’t understand all of the engineering that it took to pull this off but I guess that if you feel digging in one direction, gravity will eventually take over.
Our spiritual lives can be like the Chicago River. However, are we more like the river before or after the flow was reversed? Are we drinking the fresh and clean waters from the depth and vastness of the lake (after) or are we taking in the unreliable and polluted worldly tributaries of the lesser (before)?
Have we allowed God’s Spirit to restructure our passions so that we draw our satisfaction from Him and His clean resources? If we are trying to draw our fulfillment from the world around us, we will be pulling in the debris and contamination that come with it. Our river won’t be clean and pure. Misplaced passions will bring that debris into the sacred seas of our lives.
We all need the flow to be reversed sometimes. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we have to reorder our lives but we might need to reorder our loves - our idols. Our priorities must move from the polluted tributaries to the depth and purity of the ultimate water source.
Like the woman at the well, Jesus offered her living water from a source that will never run dry. He offers that to us as well.
Stay thirsty,
Big E