P.R.A.Y.E.R. - Yield
The word “yield” has two distinctly different meanings. It can be used in the context of growing or producing something - like a tree yielding fruit. But, it can also be used in terms of giving way, submitting or surrendering to something else. What is interesting is that prayer is strongly connected to each of these two completely different meanings.
There are many things that we can chose to yield or surrender to - culture, opinions of others, selfish desires etc… We all have these choices to make.
The apostle John said in John 3:30 “He must increase but I must decrease.”
Translation - I do not know you God like I should because I keep getting in the way. I must learn to yield to you.
One of the key ways that we learn how to “yield” to God is through prayer. In prayer we are recognizing Him for who He is (Creator, Savior and Lord) and ourselves for who we are - sinners in need of a Savior and Lord. The Savior part is easy - everyone wants a Savior. It’s the “Lord” part that we struggle with. Recognizing Him as Lord requires that we submit to something other than our own desires.
Prayer helps us resist trying to battle God for control. Through prayer we seek His heart and desires for our lives and, ultimately, our will yields to His will. As we grow closer to Him, prayer becomes our oxygen - our lifeline that connects us to God.
Prayer is not merely a way to get things from God but the way to get more of God himself.
Less of us - more of Him.
Stay Hungry,
Big E