Lifeline Update
We had an amazing weekend at the Lifeline retreat. It’s always very encouraging to see the incredible work that this ministry is doing. Yet, it is also very daunting to see the tremendous unmet needs of orphans worldwide. It’s a real privilege to get to partner with such a focused and productive ministry. I am so glad that we get to do this as a family.
Numbers give perspective so I thought that I’d share some that would help you see that scale of the ministry that they do. As you know, Lifeline is based here in Birmingham but they operate in 13 states. Here is a short recap from 2022:
Placed 121 International children in Christian homes. These were children in orphanages that now have a forever family. We gave financial support to several of these.
This number should grow to 150+ in 2023 as most countries that allow adoptions are now fully open. China is the one big exception. They used to be their #1 country but are unfortunately still closed. There are 62 matched kids waiting to travel to the US to come home to their new families. Please pray for China to open back up.
They also placed 75 US children.
Their pregnancy ministry connected with about 750 women in crisis pregnancy.
Their Family Restoration ministry trained over 300 prospective foster, adoptive and safe harbor parents preparing them for their respective journey.
Gave aid to 1750 unadopted orphans in 32 different countries. Sadly, 99.5% of orphans never get adopted so this is a really growing ministry for Lifeline - to help care for those that never get parents.
Huge impact in counseling, education and governmental affairs in supporting the vulnerable.
I was very encouraged to hear this weekend that some other families and even one business has followed our model for selecting families to support. We were the first to take this approach. Wouldn’t it be great to see that model really take off?
We are all in on Lifeline. There is no doubt that God has lead us to this ministry. We are going to increase our support to $75,000 this year. I am supposed to receive our next list of families on March 1 so be on the lookout for that.
Have a blessed week and remember the orphans in your prayers.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Stay hungry,
Big E
Matt. 5:6