Life Verses
Hello family and welcome to! I hope that you will enjoy the site and blogs. Feel free to respond to them if you wish. I am also open to any suggestions for making it better. Just let me know.
I feel a little funny about having my name (Big E) on the family website but was already taken. This site and blog is about our faith and family and certainly not intended to be about me. However, personal experiences certainly shape our views on matters of faith and life so I will draw on those from time to time. Today is one of those times…
I have had 3 different life verses since adopting my first one when I was around 25. The first one was Job 8:5-7 If you would seek God and implore the compassion of the Almighty, if you are pure and upright, surely then He would rouse Himself for you and restore your righteous estate. Though your beginnings are small, your end will increase greatly.
I may be the only person on the planet that adopted a life verse from the book of Job. Ha. I also kind of took the verses out of the context in which they were delivered but, nevertheless, they really spoke to me at that point in my life. My life was pretty simple then and we were in building mode in terms of career and family. It was very encouraging to think that if I truly sought after God and pursued a pure and upright life, then our humble beginnings would increase over time. The theology behind that was a little “works” and “rewards” oriented but my intentions were on the right track.
My 2nd life verse came along in my mid to late 30’s. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a sprit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.
This verse really connected with me during those years - and still does today. As Christians we have the power of the Holy Spirit living within us. That power should not leave us timid but bold. The Spirit is also one of love as we are called to love others as ourselves. Lastly, the Spirit should produce in us spiritual disciplines to help us mature in our faith and self control as we seek to live a life that honors God. We are to take on the likeness of him who we follow - Christ.
A couple of months ago, I attended a retreat at Pursell Farms - sort of an adult version of JH Ranch. That time away gave me a chance to reflect and helped me to realize that I needed more “hunger” in my life. I had allowed some things to be on cruise control and that is not where God wants us to be. I wasn’t very far off track but just needed some renewed focus and goals in some key areas. This blog is a product of that process.
This led me to adopting my 3rd life verse - Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
I’m at the stage of my life now that I know that the things of this world do not satisfy, but I still need to remind myself of that at times. I love the thought of “staying hungry” as we seek God and pursue holiness in our lives.. The true richness in life is in loving God and His people and serving them with the gifts and resources that He has given us. Such a simple concept but so easy to get distracted from.
If you haven’t found a life verse yet, I would encourage you to begin thinking about it. God will reveal one at the right time. I’d love to hear about it!
Stay hungry,
Big E