2022 - How is your Vision?
How is your vision? If you came from my gene pool, then you have a decent chance of having poor eyesight. Sorry about that but thank the Lord for LASIK!!
How about your “vision” for your life? The start of the new year is always a great time to assess where one stands on the important things in life. We can fix poor eyesight with LASIK surgery but what if we lack good vision for our lives?
Helen Keller famously said, “The only thing that is worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”
Here are a few thing to consider as we seek to create the right vision for our lives:
1) Vision gives us a glimpse of “not what is, but what could be.”
Having a vision for our lives gives us an opportunity to dream and to create a roadmap for the direction that we want our lives to take. It has been said that “we are limited not by our abilities but by our vision.”
2) Vision for our tomorrows produces passion for today.
This doesn’t mean that we live for tomorrow or are constantly preoccupied with our future, but it gives us a passion that fuels and orders our steps for today.
3) Vision helps to keep us to keep moving when we encounter obstacles
Just because we have a clear vision for where we may be headed in life, it doesn’t mean that we won’t face challenges. However, the “clearer our vision,” the more committed that we will be to it as we persevere through obstacles.
4) Vision provides clarity and focus.
This world creates a lot of “noise” that is easily distracting. It’s easy to get swept up in cultural waves that are widely accepted but may be inconsistent with our vision for ourselves and our families. We have to be willing to go against the current sometimes. The stronger our vision, the better our filter will be in weeding these distractions out.
5) A Christian worldview will shape and refine our vision during our lives.
C.S. Lewis frames this best with these words:
“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it but because by it, I can see everything else.”
Take some time think about your vision for this year and beyond and write it down. The 5 F’s is a good way of doing this in part. Also, ask yourself a couple of questions - Am I doing the right things today that will enable me to fulfill my vision for the future? What changes do I need to make to do so?
I wish each of you all of God’s blessings for 2022!
Happy New Year,
Big E
Matt. 5:6