Hello 2021 - It's about "Time"
By the title to this blog, you probably think that I am going in a direction that might be derogatory towards 2020. That is not that case. 2020 was a year that will be forever marked by some significant events but I will always look back upon 2020 as a special year with plenty of life lessons and blessings.
Since we are kicking off a new year, you also might think I want to challenge you with some good New Year’s resolutions. However, studies show that most people fail on their resolutions by January 12th and only 8% of people actually accomplish their New Year’s goals. There are many reasons why this is the case but maybe the simplest way to put it is that until one reorders their priorities and manages their time accordingly, no lasting change will occur.
The focus today is about “time.” You can really only do two things with time - spend it or invest it. If you were forced to categorize all of your time one way or the other, how much of it would be labeled at spent vs. invested? I would dare say that successful people would be able to label much more of their time as “invested” as opposed to “spent.”
“Invested time” is time used with a purpose. It could be relational, spiritual, physical, vocational, educational etc… but it is time that is invested in an area of one of our priorities. “Spent time” is done without any intentionality. There no set purpose for it other than it’s just being spent.
Ephesians 5:15-17 So then, be careful how you walk, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
There are two key lessons in this passage that relate to how we may spend or invest our time. The first one is that we have to be aware that we live in a world that is full of evil and, if we are not on guard, the culture will draw us into a lifestyle where our time is frivolously spent instead of invested in our priorities.
The second lesson is also on priorities. This passage tells not to be foolish but to “understand what the will of the Lord is.” We have to pursue God to know what that will is.
If the use of our time does not align well with our priorities, then there will be a gap between the life we aspire to and the one we end up with. We must organize and execute our lives around our priorities in order to be great “investors” of our time.
Ambitious people create and focus on goals; successful people create and focus on processes and effectively manage their time around their priorities.
Happy New Year,
Big E