Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! You may have put some thought into New Year’s resolutions or maybe even updated your 5 F’s (faith, family, friends, finances & fitness) goals. While it’s never a bad time to reflect, the start of a New Year always seems like a great time.
I had the opportunity to attend a Leadership conference at Highlands College recently. I went to hear John Maxwell who is probably the most published and recognized author/speaker on leadership - especially in the Christian world. I really enjoyed it and believe that everyone can find some really good application in it.
The title of his talk was “Certainties from the Second Half.” Dr. Maxwell is 75 years old so he was trying to share the some keys from his life experiences with a younger audience. Here are my takeaways from his talk:
Attitude is the difference maker. Attitude isn’t everything but it is the main thing.
Adding value to others adds value back to us.
Focus on the sowing not the harvest. The harvest will come with effective sowing.
Personal growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better. Aging is inevitable - growth is optional.
Everyone needs forgiveness so forgive everyone. Trademarks of a Christian - giving and forgiving.
Everything rises and falls on leadership. Requirements of a leader - good leadership skills and great values.
Intentional living maximizes your life. Live well, lead well. leave well.
One is too small of a number to achieve great things - bring others along.
Your perspective becomes your world. Make sure that you have clarity and truth in your perspective.
Consistency compounds results. The right actions consistently done over time produce exponential results in every area of life.
Success is having those who know you the best - love and respect you the most.
Significance satisfies in ways that success cannot. Once you have tasted significance, success will never satisfy.
Our faith is real.
Isaiah 43: 16, 18-19 This is what the Lord says—he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters…“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
What “new thing” is the Lord going to do in and through you in 2023? Have an incredibly blessed year! We love all of you and are so thankful for you.
Stay hungry,
Big E
Matt. 5:6