Does God Have a Sense of Humor?
Last Sunday we were getting ready to leave the house and head to early church. I was teaching Sunday School later that AM on the topic of “unrighteous anger.” Just as we were about to leave Cody scooted out the front door and off to parts unknown….you know the drill.
I am totally dressed for church at this point but decide to go and try to track him down before he gets off too far. I find myself traipsing through the woods across the street in my “Sunday best” in a futile effort to try and catch him. Needless to say, I was mad and frustrated at the situation. And then it hit me - I’m angry over this and I’m trying to get to church so that I can teach others about the perils of anger. At that point I had to laugh because God was trying to teach me something in that moment. I just wasn’t quite sure what it was yet.
When we arrived late for church, we walked in with a friend also arriving late. We got into a conversation with him and he told us about some tough health news that he had just received. I don’t think that he had shared it with many people but it seemed like he wanted to talk with someone as we stood alone in the church lobby. We ended up sitting together at church in the balcony and I had an opportunity to pray with him after the service. It felt like a divine appointment for us to have that time with him.
I don’t know the answer to the question of whether God has a sense of humor - though I expect He does. What I do know is God is sovereign and His purposes are often accomplished through His people. If Cody had not gotten loose, we would have never been late to church and had the special encounter with our friend that day that needed someone to talk to.
The next time that we are inconvenienced by circumstances that we don’t expect, pay close attention to what is going on around you. You never know when God has something He wants you to do that wasn’t on your agenda that day - a divine encounter.
Stay hungry,
Big E
Matt. 5:6