Deeper Water - Part 7 of 7
Over the past several weeks, we have looked at a number of opportunities for us to enter into “deeper water” in our relationship with God. Serving others, establishing some needed boundaries and pursuing God with more diligence, passion and intensity are just some of the ways that we can do that. We have also talked about the headwinds that can keep this from happening like unrepentant sins, idols and the slow “drift” that can occur as a result.
If you go back to the story that we started with in Part 1 (The Miraculous Catch,) there are a few key lessons for us to take away. Simon Peter and his crew had gone all night without catching any fish. We, too, all experience dry spells in our spiritual lives. We don’t feel particularly close to God, we aren’t really serving others as we have been gifted to do so and maybe we have even allowed ourselves to get caught up in the currents of culture and drifted downstream.
Regardless of what the cause is, the cure (Jesus) is always there waiting for us. Jesus called out to Simon Peter and suggested that he cast his net on the other side up the boat into deeper water. It required two things from Peter to obey Jesus - overcoming pride by admitting that he can’s do this on his own and having faith in Jesus (the carpenter) that he knew what he was talking about.
We have the same struggle. We want to do it all on our own sometimes and may not want to involve God until we get in a trouble spot. We are calling on God on an “as needed” basis and that is not the foundation of a healthy and growing relationship. Consistent pursuit of God is required. If we are paying attention, he will call out to us and tell us where to cast our nets.
I challenge you to look for your “deeper water” this Summer. Summer is a great time to have a project and this one could be extremely valuable and even life changing.
Stay thirsty,
Big E