Deeper Water - Part 2
Water is mentioned 722 times in the Bible so it’s not hard to find things to write about. It’s introduced as early as the second verse in Genesis 1:2:
Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
and as late as Revelation 22:17 - the 4th verse from the end of the Bible.
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
In this blog I want to focus on the great Old Testament story of the parting of the Red Sea. As you know, the Israelites had been in captivity in Egypt for 400 years. God had promised them deliverance and Moses ended up leading them out of Egypt to their Promised Land of Canaan. In their escape from Egypt, Moses held up his staff and God parted the waters of the Red Sea as they made it to freedom. The seas closed behind them and destroyed the Egyptian army who was pursuing them.
This story has particular meaning to each of us right now. In a sense, we have all experienced some elements of captivity during the COVID-19 quarantine and now we are starting to gain some of our freedoms back. We aren’t really accustomed to having our freedoms taken away, so it has been somewhat disorienting. Yet, we can all see the benefit of the boundaries that had to be put in place and the good that is coming out of it.
Is your “deeper water” the need for more boundaries in some area of your life? We often view boundaries as restrictive and a threat to our freedom but, truthfully, you won’t accomplish anything of greatness without boundaries. A great marriage, a great career, great fitness and great finances all come with a requirement of boundaries. True freedom in any of these areas doesn’t come without restrictions.
Take a few minutes right now and think about any areas of your life where some additional boundaries might be needed. Don’t be afraid or hesitant to impose them.
The right ones don’t restrict freedom, they produce it.
Stay thirsty,
Big E