Deeper - Part 6
When we become Christians, we are given the ultimate verdict of “not guilty.” We are fully acquitted for the sin in our lives. In terms of growing “deeper” in our faith, we instinctively believe that we must then move on to other more advanced spiritual matters to achieve growth. However, we can actually grow by going deeper into our own acquittal. This is the topic for the day. Yes, it is somewhat of a theological lesson but it is one that is critical for us to understand.
Our acquittal is not a hotel to pass through but a home to live in. Dane Ortlund, Deeper.
Justification is a theological term for our “not guilty” verdict. It is not a process but a single moment in time when we experienced our true conversion. It comes from the outside-in from Christ to us. Any thoughts of it happening from the inside-out is faulty theology because we cannot save ourselves with our good works or personal holiness. Through salvation we are given’s Christ’s perfect record and He is given ours. Think about how awesome that is for a moment…
Sanctification is a lifelong process of growing in grace and holiness. Unlike justification, it comes from the inside-out. However, the quality of our sanctification journey is influenced greatly by how well we grasp the theology of justification. We must know that it is Christ within us, and not ourselves, that is our engine for growth. Our dependence must be on Him and not our own strength. The was one of the mistakes that Jesus pointed out to the Pharisees:
Matthew 23:25-26 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.
We can all put on a show and have an appearance of godliness by making sure the outside of the cup is clean. Jesus is instructing us to clean the inside first. The tree creates the fruit, the fruit does not create the tree. Our internal realities are what drive our growth in Christ.
The Gospel frees us not only from the judgment of God in the future but also from the judgment of people in the present. Dane Ortlund, Deeper
One of the signs of growth in our lives is the lessening of our need for the approval of others. Human approval is a common idol. However, the more real the Gospel is to us - the less we need the affirmation of others. Yes, it’s nice to be affirmed, but it is not what sustains us. Nor does their rebuke destroy us. Our security comes from elsewhere because we are complete in Christ.
I know that there is a bit of heavy lifting in this blog but it is really important to have clarity on justification and sanctification for spiritual growth. If it makes sense to you, then that is great. If not, please call me and let’s discuss. Have a blessed week!
Stay hungry,
Big E
Matt. 5:6