Abigail - Wise & Courageous
When David was on the run from King Saul, he and his men came across a wealthy herdsman named Nabal. He was a savvy businessman but described as a fool with poor behavior. In contrast, his wife Abigail was known as “wise and beautiful.”
David made an arrangement with Nabal to help oversee his herd in exchange for food and supplies. When it came time for Nabal to honor his part of the deal, he reneged and acted like he didn’t even know David.
This angered David greatly and he prepared his men to go and destroy the household of Nabal - which they could easily do. The instability that David had to deal with at this point in his life made it understandable that he might react this way. He was a national hero but was being hunted by his king and father in law. Fortunately, God sent an unlikely intermediary to stop him from doing something rash out of anger
A servant of Nabal’s warned Abigail of the harm coming their way. He said to “consider what you should do” because Nabal is worthless and he won’t listen to anyone. Abigail quickly took action by sending food and supplies for David and his men.
It was extremely rare in OT culture for a woman go around her husband like this. She also rose out to meet David and his men - which would have also been extremely rare in these days.
Abigail falls at David’s feet and begged him to let her speak. It was the longest recorded speech by a woman in the OT - full of wisdom and prophetic statements. She also asked for mercy for her family and spoke God’s blessings over his life. She didn’t know about Nabal’s dealings but apologized on his behalf and tried to rectify the situation.
Abigail encouraging David not to have this blood on his hands, This was an insignificant issue for a future king and not worthy of his vengeance. Let the Lord have his vengeance. Great wisdom on her part.
Her words have a great impact on David. He recognized that God sent her to help him from doing something foolish. Abigail saved her entire household. Nowhere else in scripture is there a women who has stopped bloodshed like this – other than Esther.
Meanwhile Nabal is hosting a big party for the shearing of the sheep. He was drunk and she said nothing to him until morning. In the morning Abigail shared these things with him and he had a stroke and was rendered as a “stone.” 10 days later he died.
David hears of this and realize that God has taken the matter into His hands as Abigail said. David then sent for Abigail with an offer to take her as his wife. Abigail humbly accepted his proposal to become the wife of the future king of Israel.
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Wisdom is available to each of us from God. It is not a permanent condition so we need to ask for it on a regular basis. God is pleased to provide it to those who seek it. Ask him this week.
Stay hungry,
Big E
Matt. 5:6