A Lifeline
Last weekend Julie and I went on our first Lifeline retreat. It was a great opportunity to learn about every aspect of ministry that they do to help vulnerable children. I’m even more excited now that we have chosen this ministry to go deep with.
The girl is this picture above lives in an orphanage in China and is set to be adopted by one of the families working with Lifeline. As soon as travel opens back up, they will be able to go to China to bring her home. They were able to FaceTime her recently and showed her their home, her room and some things that they had bought for her. After they showed her everything, she replied to them through the translator, “I don’t want anything, I just want you.”
“I just want you.” Those words powerfully struck me and capture why Julie and I have such a heart for these children. Every child is born with an innate desire to belong to a “forever family.” That void cannot be filled by anything else on this earth. We can’t help every child fill that void but we can help some. I can’t think of a greater privilege than to help someone find their forever family.
James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world
Julie and I have pledged $50,000 for 2021 to help families adopt children. This will help 6-7 families that we select in their adoption efforts. It could be up to 12 children since some of them are adopting 2-3 siblings who are in danger of being separated forever.
All of us had the privilege of growing up in a loving family. It’s an easy thing to take for granted sometimes because it seems so normal. Spend some time this week thanking God for this privilege that not every has. Also, remember the orphans in your prayers as they wake up every day hoping to have a family to go home to. They need our help.
Stay Hungry,
Big E